Wednesday, December 29, 2010

French Postcard

A tribute to my good friend William "Mr. France" Borde

Monday, December 20, 2010

Waiting for Izzy

I started this self portrait while waiting for my daughter, Isabella on the set of "Brothers & Sisters". She has a recurring guest starring role beginning Sunday, January 2nd @ 10:00 pm on ABC. She has a lot of fun and the cast and crew wonderful.

A Cup 'o' Joe and a Slice 'o' Cherry Pie

I finally carved out some time to participate in the Carcaturama Showdown 3000! weekly contest. I took a trip down memory lane with Agent Dale Cooper of Twin Peaks fame. It was an opportunity to to flex my muscles and try out some home made brushes. Over all it was a gas!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

ChimMaya Día de los Muertos on KABC News

Channel 7 KABC Eyewitness News reporter Alysha del Valle did this report on Día de los Muertos from ChimMaya Gallery in Los Angeles. The piece did a good job of capturing the spirit of the Day of the Dead and of representing ChimMaya and the artists in the show. The ol' Dead Beatnik ( AKA Benjamin Thomas) just happened to have some paintings in the Muertos 2010 show at the time. "Charlie's Angel" got some good coverage. Check it out.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chuck Norris Is God?

It is said that the tears of Chuck Norris can cure cancer, but he has never cried....EVER!!
Done for the Caricaturama Showdown 3000!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Frida & Diego...a celebration of their life together...Sunday, August 22nd

One step closer to the opening: Sunday, August 22nd
@ ChimMaya Gallery
5283 East Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90022

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Frida Diego Show @ChimMaya Gallery

Getting ready for the group show celebrating the wedding anniversary of two of Mexico's greatest painters.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Charlie's Angel

Here is the final piece for the Surfside Artillery Group Show. The opening last night was great fun. Lots of great art, food & folks. Thanks to all the hard workin' cats that made it possible.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Descansa en paz, Farrah

Here's the sketch for one of the pieces I'm doing for the Surfside Artillery Show. A "Dia De Los Muertos" tribute to Farrah. Descansa en paz, Angelita.

Hey kids, come on out to the Surfside Artillery 2nd Annual Show this Saturday, April 10th 6pm-midnight. 1246 Hermosa Ave. Hermosa Beach, Ca. Should be real kick in the head.